Selected products from our catalog
Discover a selection of high-quality, used office furniture from previous projects. Fenyx uses refurbished office furniture in a stylishly and sustainable manner, offering an unbeatable price-performance ratio.
1st Analysis
Get specific insights into your capacity, function, and aesthetics requirements for your office.
3rd Purchase
Benefit from Fenyx's wide selection and fast delivery times when purchasing refurbished furniture.
Fenyx office equipment:
Affordable, fast and sustainable
Achieve an average cost savings of 45% by using refurbished branded office furniture.
Receive services and office furniture delivered at your preferred time, often within a week
1. Consultation & Objectives
Start your journey to an inspiring workplace with a personal consultation. Together, we set goals and design a vision that exceeds your individual requirements and wishes for a sustainable workplace.
2. Workspace Analytics
With our detailed workspace analysis, we gain insights into how your team works and communicates. This data forms the basis for developing targeted and effective optimizations for your new workplace. Learn more.
3. Concept development & iteration
Our experts develop a tailor-made office concept that is perfectly tailored to your needs. We work iteratively and integrate your feedback to create an environment that meets your expectations both functionally and aesthetically.
4. Fenyx implementation
Your office concept is implemented efficiently and sustainably by our experienced Fenyx team. We ensure smooth implementation, from delivery to assembly, and transform your concept into an inspiring physical working environment.
5. Follow-up Consultation
We are there for you even after the completion of your new office. Our follow-up advice will help you further optimize and adapt your workplace to ensure long-term satisfaction and productivity.
We are looking forward to meeting you. You are also welcome to give us a call.
Contact us via the form to find the perfect solution for your business needs and we'll get back to you within a few hours.